Friday, July 10, 2009

Adjusting to new schedule

Now that I'm working 4-5 days a week at that other job, it is very hard for me to schedule all the stuff I'm supposed to do in a day. I keep getting behind in one thing or another.

I guess my organizational skills will have to step up.


  1. I live by my Outlook calendar! I can relate to your difficulty. I have definitely got my moneys worth out of my Office suite.

  2. I thought we were all using Google calendar ...? Dean, how could you!?

    Still, calendars are helpful for events, but the everyday little stuff that needs doing is nightmarish to manage. I just realized I didn't pay my satellite bill, somehow, and we darn near had a Saturday without cartoons!

    If you figure out the management stuff, Steven, be sure to share.
