Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Progress Thus Far

It's taken me the better part of a morning to figure where I am in my Ten Tigers spreadsheet.  Math skills aside, shifting from light to full after the first quarter was confusing, though entirely beneficial.  As was having to figure out this posting!

Behind on 40.5 one hour private lessons

All attended/12 group lessons

Ahead on 28,781 pushups

Ahead on 28,781 situps

A little behind on 650 form repetitions

A little behind on 22.5 hours of sparring practice

A little behind on 650 two minute cardio rounds

Ahead on 300 miles of walking/running/swimming/biking

Only a very little behind on 3150 minutes of stance training

Done!/One martial arts tournament performance

Done!/365 Random Acts of Kindness

In Progress: harmonics on guitar/Try something new

In Progress: Women who run with Wolves/ Nicomachean Ethics/Read two books aimed at improving the self, one ancient (tao te ching, gospels, etc.) and one modern (Thich Naht Hahn, Tolle, Covey, etc.)

NOT DONE/Environmental Cleanup

NOT DONE, but is planned/Community Action project

NOT DONE/One day of empathy training

This posting catches me up/Monthly writing assignments