Tuesday, February 1, 2011

future goals

40,000 push ups
40,000 crunches
50 yoga sessions
a week of Krav Maga training
7 straight days of Hot Yoga
participate in 4 running events
participate in 2 misc. athletic events
do not eat sweets for one month
participate and/or donate in/to 12 charity events/organizations
read a book by the Dalai Lama
10,000 front roundhouse kicks (each leg)
30 hours sparring training
100 reps each of current forms I know as of 02/01/2011
read 12 books designed to improve self

Ten Tigers taught me that it is best to set very specific goals. That seems to work best for me, so I designed a personal list for next year that I thought would help take me to another level of spiritual, mental, and physical fitness. I'm planning on participating in more 5K events this year as well as martial arts tournaments. I would like to participate in at least one open tournament as well. It is important for me to get back into consistent yoga training. I've found that this is the perfect fitness combo for me in relation to combining the strengthening of the mind and body. I'm also looking forward to taking a week of Krav Maga training. I've found the art fascinating since I watch a couple of documentaries on it. After viewing some online videos of it, I see some techniques that I believe make the practitioner vulnerable, but I am impressed with some of their conditioning work and bag work that I hope to incorporate in my training for fitness purposes.

In a broader sense, I hope to continue to improve my kung fu as well as growing in a positive way as a parent, husband, and citizen. I'm planning on producing my first film this summer too.