Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hanging in there.

I've been in quite a slump the last few days.  I've been trying to hold on and do as much as I can motivate myself to do.  I'm remembering what I learned from my last slump and pushing through the best I can.  It feels like I'm almost on the other side.  

One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. A friend advised me that when I find myself thinking about a problem a significant percentage of the time, that I should do something about it. I wonder if slumps are a way of identifying problems? If they keep recurring, and are not a rare thing, does that mean that there's something that needs changing? Everybody has their own patterns -- for instance, some people slump seasonally and have a hard time getting through the winter, and others cycle in relation to different stimuli. Maybe the important thing about slumps (besides pushing through them) is to keep track of them. When do they occur and why? Maybe we need columns labeled "s" for slump and "p" for pumped. (And a column next to the sparring one for those special times when it's more.) The trick would be to get the math program to add up S's and P's ...
