Sunday, May 2, 2010

My strengths and weaknesses

My greatest weakness as a martial artist is my tendency to avoid attacking very much. This I have been noticing more and more lately and have been trying to fix. This has proved much harder than I first expected (especially after eating a couple sidekicks), but I'll keep trying and maybe someday it wont be so much of a problem anymore. I am also easily thrown off my game by mental warfare.

My greatest strength as a martial artist (correct me if I'm wrong) is my defensive ability. As I said before I'm not very good at attacking so in result I have spent a lot more time practicing defense. However even I my strengths I am finding weaknesses. Such as my inability to block attacks not commonly used (ask Eli if you don't believe me). however most of the time I think I'm not the easiest person to hit.

My greatest weakness as a member of my family is my tendency to procrastinate. Like leaving chores and such until the very last second. I also tend to think more about what would be good for me than what would be good for my family as a whole.

My greatest strength as a member of my family is my ability to easily make amends and forgive others and my self. This has proved a useful skill both after an argument and when I let everybody else down.

My greatest weakness as a member of my community is (again) to leave everything until the last second. Also I tend to not have a very good idea of whats going on unless it has something to do with me directly. Examples include, not knowing about community events and not knowing about elections until the day they happened (this isn't so bad since I can't vote yet anyway).

My greatest strength as a member of my community is my ability to do well on a team and to work well with others. For example I am currently part of a leadership team at my school and we organize things such as blood drives, community cleanups, and donations to the animal shelter.

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