Saturday, September 12, 2009

Acts of Kindness

I've done my acts of kindness for the Ten Tigers Program.

You know what that means.


Kidding of course.


  1. He is so done with random acts of kindness that he even turned the car around yesterday when leaving Franklin to offer to mow for a 94 year old woman we spied..who thanked him kindly, but she was fine.

    Thank you to Steven for being so kind, and WOW to being 94 and out there mowing a yard without any trouble!

  2. My first thought after reading this post was about how truely rare of an act it was that Steven tried to do. I have seen able-bodied men let a door close in the face of elderly people in public establishments with no thought for anyone but their own convenience. Steven's act was most likely greatly appreciated but not really needed by the elderly lady. Then I thought how sometimes, to certain people, a simple smile and a cheerful hello can be perceived as an act of kindness, something they might desperately need at that moment. I guess we can never gauge the impact of even the smallest acts, they must be measured by those who receive them.

    I still think that your act of kindness was above and beyond what most people would do these days. The fact that she declined your offer in no way diminishes that fact. I wonder if Tom Callos would go that far in setting an example for his students?

  3. No disrespect intended to Tom by the way. I was just wondering...
